September 16, 2024
Simone Grimes, CPA

Pursuing Higher Risk-Adjusted Returns in Real Estate Investments

Traditionally, the real estate investment landscape has been dominated by office, retail, and industrial properties. These asset classes have long been seen as reliable staples for generating steady returns. However, as the market evolves, investors are increasingly turning their attention to emerging alternatives that promise higher risk-adjusted returns.

Data Centers: The Digital Gold Rush

In an era characterized by rapid digital transformation, data centers have emerged as one of the most attractive investment opportunities in real estate. The surge in demand for cloud computing, data storage, and digital technologies has made data centers critical infrastructure in today’s connected world. Simone Grimes points out that the mass adoption of digital technologies and remote work trends are driving unprecedented growth in this sector.

“Data centers are experiencing increased demand due to the growth in digital technologies and cloud computing,” Simone Grimes, CPA explains. “The rising cost of land and the strained supply of semiconductors, essential components of data center infrastructure, are expected to push rents higher. As remote work becomes more common, data centers have become even more integral, creating a unique opportunity for investors to achieve higher risk-adjusted returns compared to traditional property types.”

Investors are drawn to data centers not only for their steady cash flow but also for the potential to benefit from upward pressure on rents driven by supply constraints and growing demand. The combination of technological advancements and remote work trends underscores the importance of data centers, making them a promising asset class for those willing to embrace this digital shift.

Life Sciences Facilities: A Health-Driven Surge

The life sciences sector has seen remarkable growth, fueled by the global focus on health and wellness, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The rapid development and deployment of vaccines and therapies have elevated expectations for future innovations in this field. Simone Grimes highlights the substantial increase in venture capital investments in biotech, underscoring the sector’s potential.

“In 2021, US$86.3 billion was invested in biotech, surpassing the combined total of the previous four years,” Grimes notes. “This surge reflects a strong belief in the future of life sciences and highlights the increasing demand for specialized facilities and research labs.”

As biotech companies, particularly smaller, agile startups, continue to drive innovation, the need for specialized life sciences facilities is expected to grow. Unlike traditional office spaces, life sciences properties require tailored environments for research and development, making them less susceptible to the decline in occupancy rates observed in other real estate sectors due to remote work trends. The ongoing investment in biotech and the need for dedicated research spaces present a compelling opportunity for investors seeking to capitalize on the evolving landscape of healthcare and scientific research.

Simone Grimes, CPA
Senior Housing: Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population

Senior housing is another burgeoning sector offering promising investment returns. With an aging global population and a significant number of individuals entering senior living arrangements each year, the demand for senior housing is on the rise. Simone Grimes, CPA emphasizes the robust growth in this sector, driven by demographic trends and increased investment.

“The senior housing sector saw a 22% increase in price-per-bed and a 61% rise in investment volume in 2021,” Simone Grimes CPA observes. “This growth reflects the increasing demand for senior living options and the attractiveness of this asset class to investors.”

About 9.5 million people in the US currently live in a senior living facility at least some portion of the year, providing a compelling foundation for investment opportunities. The aging population, combined with the need for high-quality senior living facilities, suggests that this sector will continue to be a focal point for investors seeking stable returns. Senior housing offers the potential for long-term growth and a consistent demand driven by demographic trends, making it an appealing choice for those looking to diversify their real estate portfolios.


The traditional real estate investment landscape is evolving, and emerging alternatives like data centers, life sciences facilities, and senior housing are gaining prominence. These sectors offer higher risk-adjusted returns compared to conventional properties, driven by technological advancements, health-driven demand, and demographic trends. Simone Grimes’ insights into these areas highlight the transformative potential of these investments and underscore the importance of adapting to changing market dynamics.

As investors seek to navigate the complexities of today’s real estate market, embracing these emerging alternatives can provide unique opportunities for growth and diversification. By staying informed and agile, investors can capitalize on the shifting trends and secure higher risk-adjusted returns in an ever-changing landscape.

Simone Grimes, CPA regularly shares her expertise through contributions in leading online business publications. In the following article, Ms. Grimes highlights three key areas—data centers, life sciences facilities, and senior housing—that offer compelling opportunities for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on shifting trends.